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Consultar: Congresso 2004

Início > ABED > Congresso 2004

Título: An Authoring Tool For The Design Of Structural Communication Exercises In Web-Based Environments
Autor(es): Robinson Vida Noronha, Carlos Villalba, Alexander Romiszowski, Clovis Torres Fernandes

Desing Structural, Web-based
This paper describes the architecture of an intelligent authoring environment and tool set that supports the work of teachers-authors who wish to develop instruction using the pedagogical technique called Structural Communication. Structural Communication (SC) is a pedagogical technique that can evaluate and develop a participant’s sophisticated cognitive structures, intellectual skills and critical thinking skills. The first part of the paper outlines the bases of the SC methodology, reviews the research on its use in education, argues for greater use of the method and identifies difficulties faced by many would-be authors in the development of SC exercises.
Código: 343

Dono: admin
Categoria: Genérico
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: 040-TC-B2.pdf
Tamanho: 343 Kb (351079 bytes)
Criado: 11-10-2005 14:51
Atualizado: 09-02-2006 14:58
Visitas: 2705
Downloads: 1


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