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Consultar: 2019

Início > Graduação > Ciências Biológicas > 2019

Título: Root Anatomy Of Galeandra Lepto Ceras (Orchidaceae)
Autor(es): Leila E. Barretta-dos-Santos, Jéssica Sant’Ana, Adarilda Petini-Benelli, Cristiano Pedroso-de-Moraes

Roots, Orchid, Morphoanatomy, Adaptation
Due to the scarce information about the root organization of Galeandra genus representatives, this
study aimed to describe the root anatomy of Galeandra leptoceras, describing adaptations related to hydric relations and characters of taxonomic interest. Five roots of three plants were fixed and preserved in 50% alcohol. These ones were cut in midline with the use of razors. The sections were stained with 0.05% Safrablau and mounted in glycerin. It was observed that the roots of species are structurally adapted to epiphytism; however, some anatomical features show that this species requires more frequent watering or environments with constant humidity.
Código: 4443
Informações adicionais:
Idioma: inglês
Data de publicação: dez, 2020
Local de publicação: Araras, SP
Instituição: FHO – Fundação Hermínio Ometto
Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)

Dono: admin
Categoria: Genérico
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: TCC_3214_-_Jéssica_Sant'_Ana_(RA_54119).pdf
Tamanho: 653 Kb (668695 bytes)
Criado: 11-10-2005 14:51
Atualizado: 17-12-2020 09:58
Visitas: 438


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