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Consultar: Congresso 2003

Início > ABED > Congresso 2003

Título: Development Of Investigation Into The Teachers Forming Process Looking Forward To The “Reflexive Practicum” With Web Technologic Tools
Autor(es): Sergio Ferreira do Amaral, Liliane Queiroz Antonio

Tecnologia Educacional, Internet, Sala Virtual, Educação à Distância.
This work has as its goal an investigation into the teachers forming process looking forward to the reflexive practicum with the web technologic tools, considering the unstability which we have lived nowadays among Education and the Era of Knowledge. Living actions, semi-living and the distance formed the steps of this investigation,providing among the professors’ community, associated and among the living and virtual communities, possibilities of a reflexive practice in its routine. The investigation as well, and the actions triggered by the search methodology adopted constituted in reflexive practice which evoked action changes as far in involved communities as in schools, teachers and students, by the actions observed and written as class plannings.
Código: 235

Dono: admin
Categoria: Genérico
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: TC80.pdf
Tamanho: 131 Kb (134105 bytes)
Criado: 11-10-2005 14:51
Atualizado: 10-01-2006 14:00
Visitas: 2369


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