Consultar: Congresso 2003

Início > ABED > Congresso 2003

Título: Amanda: A New Perspective For Group Discussions In Distance Learning Environments
Autor(es): Marco A. Eleuterio, Flávio Bortolozzi

virtual learning environments, forum systems, computational mediation, argumentative discussion, artificial intelligence
This article presents the concept of computational mediation of group discussions and discusses new perspectives for improving the outcomes of asynchronous communication tools in virtual learning environments. The proposed method, named Amanda[1], is capable of conducting group discussions among an arbitrary number of participants without human mediation effort. Throughout this article, key issues regarding the mediation principles and student assessment are explored. The implementation of the method and the corresponding interfaces are presented, as well as the experimental results from applying Amanda in actual learning situations.
Código: 161

Dono: admin
Categoria: Genérico
Formato: Documento PDF
Arquivo: TC06.pdf
Tamanho: 703 Kb (719381 bytes)
Criado: 11-10-2005 14:51
Atualizado: 05-01-2006 08:16
Visitas: 2405


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